Design Thinking Workshop

100 participating teachers who received training via online education were invited to an 8-day/7-night workshop for face-to-face education. This phase consisted of four main parts, including introduction, seminars, workshops, projects and outputs. Not all components were implemented sequentially. Instead, they were blended in the process. The themes of the days were determined according to the steps of creating a design thinking model: empathize, define, generate ideas, prototype and test. In this case, the training program is divided into categories so that you can experience and gain knowledge of the entire process in one week.

Opening Events (Introduction Meeting)

This part includes a) a meeting where the aims and process of the training program are explained, b) an introductory event, and c) dividing the participants into 12 project groups and placing tutors in the project teams who will guide the groups during the project development processes.

Doç. Dr. Adil ORAN

Keynote 1: Assoc. Dr. Adil ORAN (Middle East Technical University) “Time Management in Entrepreneurship”

Keynote 3: Assoc. Dr. Adil ORAN (Middle East Technical University) “Budget Management in Entrepreneurship”

Dr. Adil Oran has been the director of METU Entrepreneurship Research Center for 8 years. He received his doctorate in finance from the University of Texas. He has studies on financial statement analysis and financial accounting research. He provides training on business, finance, financial accounting, valuation, financial statement analysis and entrepreneurship.

Prof. Dr. Nergiz ÇAĞILTAY

Keynote 2: Prof. Dr. Nergiz ÇAĞILTAY (Atılım University) “Computer Based Simulation and Virtual Reality Applications: Examples from the Field of Medical Informatics”

Dr. Nergiz ÇAĞILTAY “Health Information Systems, Information Technologies in Education, Medical Informatics, Educational Software, Medical Software, Software Development Methodologies, Big Data Analysis, Medical Data Mining, Relational Database Systems, Database, Business Intelligence, Data Warehouses, Medical Simulation, Simulator, Three He is an academician and writer working in the fields of "Dimensional Simulation, Computer and Instructional Technologies, Teaching Methods, Teaching Materials".

Doç. Dr. Burak Karabey

Keynote 4-6-7-8: Assoc. Dr. Burak Karabey (project partner) and Lab Master Lieven Desomviele (Dokuz Eylül University/Department of Gifted Education, Artevelde University of Applied Sciences/3ID LABS) “Design Focused Thinking - Empathizing, Defining, Idea Generation, Prototyping and Testing Steps”

Prof. Dr. Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY

Keynote 5: Prof. Dr. Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY (Sabanci University) “Technology Enriched Learning: From the Past to the Future”

Dr. Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY is the founder of BILGEIS.NET and the scientist who leads the scientific team working to bring the internet to Turkey. Some of the areas of study are: "Human Computer Interaction, Virtual Reality, Eye Tracking, Computer Teaching and Educational Technologies, Augmented Reality, Computer games, Open and Distance Education, Cognitive Sciences, User Experience"